Who Benefits From CCIEdits Online

CCIEdits.com Online was designed primarily for procedure providers, payers, and auditors.
Procedures Providers
The Correct Coding Edits was designed to make clear which procedures should and should not be billed together and though the NCCI tables make this clear, they don't make it easy to use. Because of this many billed procedures end up being declined. CCIEdits.com Online solves this problem with quick easy to use functionality that can easily pay for itself in one billing. If you've had claims denied for bundling it can be due to the The National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) "edits" data. CCIEdits.com Online can quickly help in resolving these problems before they get submitted.Payers
Commercial and private insurers find CCIEdits.com Online a quick way to confirm that their payments are supported by NCCI data. Stop scanning tables and start saving time by using our easy online Correct Coding Edits functionality. Private insurers who do not have hundreds of people or expensive software dedicated to cross checking billings can significantly speed up processing and increase accuracy with CCIEdits.com Online.Auditors
Auditors know how time consuming it is to verify Edits. With CCIEdits.com Online you can enter codes, search, or list codes to quickly determine which items qualify. You will save time and improve your productivity by accurately going through more procedures in a shorter period. CCIEdits.com Online is designed to help make you more efficient and profitable.